A little birdy whispered into my ear some tips on a successful shopping spree at the famous Marikiti market. On other individual’s minds and thoughts, this place is well known to them as Wakulima market. The market located along Haile Selasie Avenue just next to Muthurwa market serves as Kenya’s largest wholesale fresh farm produce market. For the newbies in Nairobi or anyone visiting the market for the first time, buying groceries and other food commodities can get confusing. I have compiled some guiding tips that will steer you into the right direction while you shop;

  1. Timing

It is said that the early bird catches the worm at least that is what my little knowledge on proverbs tells me. Wait, is that a proverb? Anyway!!!, the important thing is for the intended message to get home. The saying literary applies as the market is officially open for trading at 5am. The traders start to arrive at Wakulima market as early as even 2 am though. There are several factors that make early morning hours (5am-11am) suitable for shopping there:

  • Perishables such as fresh vegetables,fruits and natural spices are fresher. Not the entire marikiti has shades .The scotching sun will not be so polite on these types of produces in case they are out bare in the open on sunny days. Most mornings in Nairobi are cooler say upto around 10am.
  • Vegetables are hotcake here especially the indigenous/kienyeji ones. So if say you get to the market at noon and are in need of terere, managu, risosa, mrenda etc, the chance of you going home a happy soul are next to none. The “mama mbogas” of Nairobi will have “safirishad” them to the estates to sell to you at exorbitant prices.
  • Escaping the traffic Nairobi jam is another factor that should push you to make early morning purchases. During the wee morning hours, there is practically no jam on the roads. This means getting to your destination in a shot span of time and also spending less on your bus fare.
  • The market opens its doors for business quite early and by 1pm it is close up time. My first day ever at the market, it came as a shock to me when all over sudden I saw people packing away their goods some few minutes before the above stated time. If this reason can’t make you go for shopping early enough, I don’t know what will.
  1. What to buy and where

Once you get to the market you will soon realize that most traders selling similar products keep to one side. For example if its onions,trucks stacked with them will be at a certain corner. The sellers selling matoke, fruits etc will also be somewhere together.If purchasing extremely large quantities is your goal, it’s advisable to buy from the guys with lorries loaded with whatever you want. These lorries are located just outside the entrances of the market.

The prices will be lower in comparison to buying inside the market from the sellers that put their products in stalls or have them displayed on the ground. Truth be told, even those displaying their goods on the ground inside and outside just get them from the lorry guys. Their aim is to target those clients that buy small quantities.

Kenyans busy at Marikiti market; Source; The star.co.ke

  1. Dress the occasion

Ladies,please no high heels in Marikiti. In 1966 when the market was constructed, the space was meant to accommodate 300 traders only. But with time the number has increased making the market so squeezed with sellers, not forgetting the buyers that get in and out of the market. With limited space to share, it’s advisable to wear the right type of shoes and attires when going to the market. You will at times be required to bend over to give way to the carrier boys/watu wa mkono.

These people roughly rush in and out of the facility carrying sacks containing their client’s purchases. Just a slight shove from them can send you flying across the cabbages and tomatoes in the stalls around.Don’t expect a sorry from them or some show of sympathy in case that happens. Hence the famous quote “kaa rada” which simply means be aware of your surroundings. Whenever it rains heavily the ground becomes too muddy and appropriate footwear is a must.

  1. Beware of pickpocketers and nuisance Carrier boys

As you approach the market, carrier boys approach you almost immediately. They sell their services of carrying goods for you or even show you the best places to make purchases around Wakulima.While some are well behaved and are sincerely in need of a job, there are others that are just too much. They will be all over your space and will follow you around and this can make you very uncomfortable. Their target is ladies and anyone that seems unsure of their way around the market. In case you will need such services, it’s wise to ask for referrals from the traders themselves. Ensure you establish great rapport with them and they will surely point you to the right person.

Not everyone in the market has the right reasons to be there.Always ensure your valuables are safely tucked away. If you see someone trying to get too close to you just give them way to pass and go ahead. You will be surprised on how swiftly these pickpocketers operate. Within seconds your precious phone will be out of your pocket. Always stay safe in this beautiful city.